Why NacTelligence Cloud Services?
With NacTelligence there is never a charge for our consulting services.
All fees for our consulting are paid by the provider when you make your final choice, no matter what company that is.
Providers pay for our services on your behalf because they know our efforts results in a much smoother engagement… We avoid the inevitable pitfalls that can accompany complex integrations.
In FACT, we guarantee our involvement has so many benefits for providers that they also allow us to negotiate the best deal for you, our client. Never negotiate on your own. Benefit from our economy of scale with the providers. We receive better advantageous pricing, and more concessions.
When it comes to providers, we’re agnostic
We represent every major (and not-so-major) cloud provider on the planet. And we can tell you from experience that in most instances there’s only one right one for you. Out of the 200+ providers—and the half dozen that we recommend—we’ll find the ideal fit for your needs… now and for the future.
We have no dog in this hunt… besides you
Do we have certain providers we like? Yup. Guess what, they’re the same companies recommended by Gartner and other leading tech research orgs… providers with the resources and technology to meet your needs for the long term. We get referrals by delivering for clients, not for providers. In other words, you… are our only concern.
You don’t know what you don’t know. but we do.
Understanding the issues surrounding a cloud implementation is all about the questions that need to be asked. We have 40+ years of experience in considering every possible nuance in putting your communications together for the long term.
360 degree service… pre, during and post Project
Want to go direct to a provider? Forget about customization based on org needs. Or integration into your current network without bringing it down. All you usually get is a big box with your system in it via UPS or FedEx. The rest is up to you. We get calls because simple hookups become nightmares.